I must apologize for my next blog before I even start to write it. First and for most I am not a thirteen year old girl or a fifty year old big sick that stalks them on the inter web either(that is my goal in life.... jk) I will shamefully admit that I have been watching American Idol this season. American Idol and I had a small affair back in season 2 of the show, unfortunatly it broke my heart and took the pieces with it. You see that year Rueben Studdard beat Clay Aiken for the win. Now lets be honest here who had the better voice? Who has sold more records? The answer is Clay Aiken my friends he may not know his own sexual preference and may be a little akward to gaze upon but when you listen to a singer on the radio you can't see them anyway! Well after this upset I decided to ban American Idol and never watch it again, I hear I have not missed much. well this year I broke my promise and came out of hidding to watch the show this season. The season has lacked and been quite boring, filled with off tune boys with pony hawks and to many Justin Timberlake wanna bes to make me gag! Yet there was hope...... there was Melinda Doolittle! She was fantastic. Where every night the best performances were nothing compared to Melinda's vocals if she just stood and sang with out the antics. Sadly last night America (who is obviously tone deaf) voted her off and kept Blake Lewis who cannot carry a tune and messes up really good songs by beat boxing to them! So this blog is my public farewell once again to American Idol. When you decide to let talented people win let me know and we will try to work out our relationship.
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