All right so it has been awhile since I have blogged cry about it a little bit more brother. Well for those of you who have cared I am back with a blog that were I more creative could really be split into a lot of blogs but seriously who has the time or imagination for that? First of all I must say that I have what it feels like three boyfriends and two of the three are letting me down! Before he gets all worried and calls me the actual boyfriend is safe in the disappointed category. My second boy friend is my car "Schven". Schven was hit by a crazy drunk man and almost got given to the dump but thankfully he is a trooper and his love for me pulled out of being used for parts and after thirty days of waiting and separation I was able to put my toes to his peddle and drive off into the sunset. Sound like everything is fine? Well it's not. I think Schven is mad that I didn't come ad visit him at the body shop or something because he keeps "Over heating". I say this in an annoyed tone because he is faking! I mean seriously how old are we that we have to feel like we have to fake sick Schven? I keep taking you in and having to miss work to do it and the mechanics think I am nuts because just like magic the thermostat is at a perfect degree when they drive it, but when I drive it, it's way up in the red. Maybe I should stop complaining I mean obviously my car finds me attractive and it gets just really hot and turned on when I'm touching the steering wheel. So my second let downer is the freaking weather! I mean here I am all depressed missing the sun all winter and it finally comes out to play and then ditches me! Seriously I feel like I am have Deja Vu' to past relationships where the guy says he's going to call at three so you wait around all afternoon and when he finally calls it is three am and his excuse is that it was my fault for assuming he meant three pm. I would really appreciate it if these two would stop with the act and either tinkle or get off the potty! Note for discussion since the weather if technically mother nature does that make me 1/4 lesbian?
So on a better note I have purchased something that I doubt can be beat by any other object anytime int he near future or ever. While recently in Las Vegas I purchased a real Louis Vuitton Speedy! I love it and since I don't have rent I figured I could spend that saved up money on one without any harm. The only problem is that with all the fake ones being passed of as real whenever some sees it they always ask if I got it from a vendor in New York. Oh well at least my Credit Card and myself no it is from the actual store in Caesars. I do however now have to sit in my below the boulevard home and look up at Dan's and wish that I too could afford an organic tomato from Dan's but I blew that opportunity with the purchase of my Louis.
1 comment:
Damn that Schven. Maybe you could trade in your Louis V for a new car. They cost about the same don't they?
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