So it is the end of yet another year and this one flew by so fast for me! In my eyes it is really good that it flew by seeing as this was ot the best year I've had to date. I'm not complaining at all my life thus far has been pretty awsome. I've lived a pretty cushy life and have had good trials that I've learned and grown from and none that were to painful even. My life however I have discovered is really boring considering how busy it seems to be. So being that is I will be mixing my year in review with some celebrity news to make mine seem better.
My year started off with a "disapointment" I quote this because I got to move back to Salt Lake because of it! I finally was able to get the hell out of utah Valley which it was about time! So I would say my high point of the year was that I got to move back home! i got a new job at a law firm which always sounds more exciting then "I waitress at..". I got a promotion at my new job and took my bosses job that I wasn't even qualified for but I learned and proved myself to get it. I had an awsome halloween costume this year and it was so good that I won a trip to Vegas in it! Another reason to be greatful for my boobs I suppose. I met someone fantastic which is always a plus to life! I got yet another job as a Kareoke DJ Wednesday nights at the Canyon Inn which is a crazy fun time. I finally became the owner of an IPOD thanks to the boy and I finally gave into the Vampire books and I love them! But really my highlight would have to be my horse that I bought in January! His name is Simon and he is my lover!
Like I said not to much going on so I'd like to thank the following people for giving me an exciting year.
1. Britney Spears- thank you for shaving your head and being an unfit mother. Thank you for making my driving record look really good, making me feel like even I could perform at the VMA'S.
2. Jamie Lynn Spears- thank you for taking one for the team and getteing pregnant at 16 so I don't ahve to see your sister on the tabloids this week.
3. Spice Girls- I'll tell you what I want what I really really want is to thank you sisters for reuniting. I've never wanted to reform my Spice Girls club so badly!
4. Jessica Simpson- Thank you for making me feel like a really good actress and making my relationships extremly stable.
5. Posh & Becks- thank you for coming to the U.S and sharing some of Britans royal family with us Americans.
6. Hannah Montana & High School Musical- Thank you for giving the teenie boppers something to obcess over besidesw myself.
7. The Hills- Thank you LC for having a really interesting life so I can forget that my life is so not as cool as yours.
Now for my list of best Television 2007-
The Office
The Amazing Race
The Hills
Shot at Love with Tila Tequila
Desperate HouseWives
Greys Anatomy
CSI: Miami
Las Vegas
Best Movies 2007-
Across the Universe
Sweeny Todd the demond barber of fleet street
Alpha Dog
Smokin Aces
Live Free or Die Hard
Hot Fuzz
Knocked Up
Super Bad
3:10 to Yuma
Lars and the Real Girl
Dan in Real Life
August Rush
So I guess all in all it was a good year lets see what 2008 will bring to the table.
Now allow me to give a rebuttle to your poor taste in films
Waitress -Sucked
Hairspray -sucked even harder
Across the Universe -uhhh kued series are not movies
Sweeny todd- you just think johnny depp is dreamy
Enchanted -Are you 5?
Alpha Dog - Alpha who?
Smokin' Aces -pothead
Breach -Another documentary on the mating habits of whales
300 -okay that was pretty good
Live free or die hard -Now that's what I'm talking about
Disturbia -Even stevens all grown up
Hot Fuzz - Idon't understand english
Knocked up -allot of F bombs
Super Bad - I want to see it but my wife won't let me.
3:10 to Yuma -Is this a verse of scripture?
Lars and the real girl -UUHHH is this who I think it is?
Dan in Real life - The writers must end this strike! I want my michael back
August Rush: second best movie of the year right behind....
JUNO How could you leave this off your list?
yeah, just for the record... your brother signed in under my login to do his recap...
And he liked Enchanted, he just doesn't want to admit it... because he thinks it will lead to something craxy like having to get his eye brows waxed or something... ;)
And as far as JUNO, I concur...
So we are dying to see your halloween pics. PUT them on air. cassandra
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