Sandra writes the kind of novel that is racey enough that you really don't want your mother to know that you are reading. There has been more then one occasion while reading Sandra Brown "sexy party" scenes where I find my covers off, the windows being opened and finally resulting in a cold shower just to cool my jets! I am not here to talk sex unfortunatly. (nottoday atleast)
What men should fear is that this red haired lady is totally ruining their game with the ladies! You see the characters in Sandra's novels are full of scared timid yet strong women, that find themselves fighting hard not to fall for beautiful looking men. It is not the mens described looks that is the bad part. The men in these novels pursue the women they love. From the moment they see the woman that they are attracted to they do not give up until the ice queens hearts have melted and they have them in bed! (do keep in mind they are looking for more then sex however) In my brief time back on the dating market I have found that men are complete girls! They expect you to pursue them if you desire them in anyway, the expect you to make the first move when it comes to anything physical, while they just seem to turn off and stare at the screen of the television. This whole "is he or isn't he into me" mind game is enough to make me glad I am not attached and hope I never have to be again. I left high school four years ago and that is also where I left the "do you like me? circle yes or no" notes. Thanks to Sandra Brown I now have the desire to wait for a guy who truely is interested in me to come along. I figure if they are intersested they will make the moves and not want to put me through the hell that is the mind games and drama! Plus after ten chapters of supressing their desire they make "whoopie" that makes the reader sweat! I mean who wouldn't wait just for the perk of that?
So to all the men out there I would strongly suggest picking up your game. If you need some help go to the local Barnes & Noble and pick up a sandra Brown novel to find out what us women want in a man. I would hurry before more women discover her and your chances are shot to hell!
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