Ok I know that I am a total blog slacker lately. I will give the suspected answer that I have been super busy doing things lately. I really do enjoy blogging to the zero people that read my bog, but the truth of the matter is that I am not that good at blogging. You see, I get ideas in my head and I think, "Oh I need to go blog about that!", but alas when I get home and get into bed I find my fingers typing in www.nordstrom.com instead of blogger.com. The truth is that I don't even feel tat guilty about my lack of blogging until my boyfriend one day happens to get bored at work, and wanders on over to anneup and realizes that I haven't blogged in three months(1/2 of our relationship) and calls me out on it! Well I am sure that this paragraph comes as a shock to most of you but it is true... I am not perfect people! Most of you I am sure don't believe me so I will now list some other things that I am not good at.
I am seriously am the lousiest speller ever. As I write my blog all I see are red underlined words, and lucky for me my Mac is happy to fix them all for me. I am sure some of you have realized I also don't do punctuation..
Sorry to my future husband(whoever you are) but I am not gifted in the culinary arts. You will have to spend a lot of time with take out, mac and cheese, tv dinners, and enchiladas because those are the only things that are edible that I create in the kitchen.
Alright so I am not a woman who does mornings, is that really so terrible? The truth is that I can do certain mornings. I have been known to wake up for horse shows as well as the half yearly sale at Nordstrom.
I am a big baby. When it comes to being sick I am no mommies brave little soldier, in fact I want my mom to be my slave and cater to all of my needs. I mean she should because I am certain that what ever illness I have at the time I could die from if not taken care of properly.
Elaine(see babe I know Seinfeld) has noting on me. I am fine to admit that I am not flexible in anyway(again sorry to the guy that ends up stuck with me) and I have no rhythm. So in a nut shell I am the whitest person to ever hit the floor. In all honesty I really can't d anything artistic at all, I chose not to give art its own section in hopes that some of you are choosing to just read the titles and not the explanations...
Well my pretties I will let you go for tonight hopefully you do not think less of me after hearing the not perfect news. Also don't be to shocked if I am single after the BF finds out I can't cook. See you in three months.... I'll try to make it sooner this way you don't get high expectations;)