So the first confession just proves even further that men truly are big sicks, which is no surprise because we've known it all along. Dwesil* who's name has been changed for this blog confessed that men really do Masturbate (yes Layne I am laughing even writing that word) a lot. The whole article talks about how it is pk that men do this because it is a stress reliever. C'MON
BOYS. Have you ever heard of going for a run? There are much more tasteful ways to relax that are wholesome and a lot less messy. I wish this secret would have remained a secret. But I guess that is what I get for buying a magazine that some grocery stores hide behind the plastic like a Play Boy.
Second confession- Guys Like Chick Flicks. I am so happy to hear this because I have been gutting through horror movies that make me not be able to sleep at night all for a date who turns out would have been more then happy with watching Pretty in Pink. My co-worker Juan*(changed for the blog) said, " Chick flicks are funny and enjoyable, but really the movies we enjoy are hidden chick flicks. These movies have beer , swearing, and boobs in the, yet at the end there is still a happy ending so everyone winds up satisfied. This confession made me mad at boys I have dated in the past who have made me sit through the bloody violent scary movie at the movie theater because they didn't want to go see the latest Kate Hudson, or Matthew McConaughey flick. Jerks.
Confession number three- Men are stalkers. I don't know which male decided that this would be a good idea to admit to but he was a moron. So ladies we have to be even more sneaky cause it turns out men google,mspace,facebook us. Benny* says that they do this so they can take us out on good dates and find out our likes and dislikes, but this is still CREEPY! Whatever happened to asking a girl whether she prefers daisies to roses? I think this is really to get the dirt on us and spy. Now we are really on to you men!
Last confession- Men have fat days. So I guess that every once in awhile men feel fat and bloated and have low self esteem about there looks. I believe this could be true however I see a lot of ill fitting clothes on men. And last time I asked I checked no man will give up wearing shorts because he has bad legs. Also when I go to the water park I see a lot more girls with towels and t-shirts covering there pooch then men who to me seem to let it all hang out.
I hope to never see an aticle like this against woman in Men's Health. Unfortunatly for men it would take alot bigger article then a one page spread to tap into the female mind and figure out what she is thinking. I have been a girl for 21 years now and I still have no idea what the deall with woman is. So good luck.
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