I am sad to say that to some of you I am a stranger. I have allowed myself to be hidden behind long legs and blond hair. Well friends it is finally time that the truth shall set me free. So to let you take a glimpse into the person you thought you knew I have compiled a list of ten things you may or may not know about me. If you already know these things please do not hold it against my blog and come back and read again soon. I am hoping to start taking some blog fiber so I may be more regular posting on my page. Enjoy....
1. I am a Karaoke DJ-
(I suppose that this makes me a KJ actually) Yes, every Wednesday night you will find me at the Canyon Inn singing to an audience of four! *If I am lucky* I have been doing this since January for no other reason then the fact that I was going every Wednesday anyway to feed my ego so I figured why not get paid for it? This is a perfect job for me because of these reasons- I am love to be the center of attention, I love the sound of my own voice, and I have the power to control how loud or soft people sound on the mic! And furthermore if they really bug me and can just cut them off completely! So if you'd like to come see this magical time head on over to the Canyon Inn on Wednesday! The show starts at nine, and yes that was a shameless plug!
2. Deal Or No Deal-
So a few of you may have heard that Deal Or No Deal came through Salt Lake and did auditions. Well after waiting in line for 9 hours and sleeping in the parking lot of the RC Willey, (which is huge mind you because the closest I come to camping is the Holiday Inn), and going through five interviews plus an eleven page survey I am in!.... Well to the next round, which is "our producers will be calling you between June and January!" Ridiculous don't they know who I am? The obviously don't read the glory of this blog.
3. London-
On July 19 I am jumping across the pond because London is calling and I am answering that call! "Hello London! Why yes of course I will come! See you on the 19 until August 15!" I am doing this on account of my goal to graduate from college in the next century... I am close mom I promise. My other goals while in London are, to at least give biscuits and cream a chance, come back demanding a tea time, and as Prince Williams fiancee'. I mean come on I am so Grace Kelly already! The only thing missing is the title of "princess" before my name.
4. 83 Shoes-
The answer to you question is yes. Yes I do own 83 pairs of shoes. And just like children I can almost tell them all apart. I do have guilt feelings when I just can't seem to wear some of them more then others. But I mean the pink Zebra pumps must realize that statistically the black pumps are going to get more wear. It is just science so stop moping around the closet already. I am sick of your emo crap already.
5. Holy Moley!-
So I am covered in moles. I know that sounds really gross but really it isn't. They are all character moles. I have them on my arms, face, bum, legs, chest, back... so basically everywhere! I even have one on my palm which is odd because I don't know anyone who has that. I mean seriously no one ever told Cindy Crawford to remove her mole! I am also assuming that her mole never had a pesky hair growing out of it though... not that mine do...
6. Big Sick-
I have a phobia of chewed gum and wet paper. I thought I would just put it all out there in one sentence. Seriously just thinking about the texture of both of these makes my gag reflex kick in.. in fact I just threw up a little bit in my mouth. I am so bad with the gum issue that I can't even touch my own gum. I have to spit it as far away from me as possible, with my eyes closed of course. Also there should be a law that people can't chew gum in public because they abuse the privilege by chewing it really loud and gross!
7. Acting! Brilliant! Thank You!
People know me, I have many leather bound books, and an apartment that smells of rich mahogany! How do I have this charmed life? Well I am a movie star. I am the lead in the cult classic Mormon action adventure thriller, "Tracker". I know when you see it you will be so impressed, even more impressed when you find out that I do all my own stunts which include- Rock climbing, running across the salt flats, being chased through a cornfield by dogs, falling into a river, and crawling in a pit with snakes! That is right no stunt double. However when I am looking plump in the movie I will say that it is a body double, and because I am such a big deal you will believe me.
8. Poor Unfortunate Child-
I strongly believe that Ursula from The Little Mermaid wrote this about me. I was probably the most unfortunate looking child you could ever imagine. My brother even says that the most embarrassing moment in my life is the ages 7-13. pretty much I looked like a boy gremlin even in a pink dress. Let me paint this picture for you- 5'3, 60 lbs, bull cut, braces, headgear, uni brow, and bicycle shorts. Can you see it? Does it frighten you? Give you nightmares? Me too.
9. Sweet Aroma-
I am not a freak I promise but I love the smell of bowling shoes. Not new ones mind you. I mean that rentals! i don't know what it is about it but I could bask in it for sure! I can't figure out if it is the Lysol, leather, foot sweat, or the mixture of all of the above that really draws me to it. So next time you bowl think of my nostrils.
10. Happy Birthday-
Number ten is another shameless plug, but it is super important! My birthday is June 27 which means that we start celebrating on Sunday, because June is my month! Gifts are greatly appreciated, please refrain from anything under 20 dollars. Just kidding.... But seriously my birthday is a great holiday. God sent a gift on 6/27/86 so why not celebrate our blessings!
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