So Paula Cole once said, " Where have all the cowboys gone?" well I don't really care about the cowboys I just simply want to know, Where have all the gentlemen gone? I mean seriously I work at a law firm and I happen to work in the basement(dungeon) of the building so I get the privilege(anything but) to ride the freight elevator everyday up and down 19 stories. On this ride into hell I come encounter with a plethora of construction workers. So let me ask is it in the job description for construction workers to be pigs? I don't mean this to be offensive if you are a construction worker and are in fact prince charming please by all means defend your case and take me out to dinner. I just have yet to meet prince charming riding to my rescue on his glistening white jack hammer.
So let me relay the evidence as to why I think there are no more "Mcdeamy's" in the world. While riding the elevator to and from my desk I have noticed that "Ladies First" is a thing of the past. Not only do the men sharing the elevator not let me get on or off first, but they barge all there supplies in to the elevator while I am trying to get out! And when the door shuts on me as I finally get the chance to squeeze between their drywall the laugh! Read that last part again.... They don't help me or say sorry they LAUGH! I mean come on boys I think your Momma taught you better!
Also these men never learned a good pic up line. When I get on to the elevator with you try a "Hello how are you? or even the classic, Man the weather is terrible lately." I promise to respond a whole lot better to these comments then when you look me up and down and then as I get off the elevator saying " See you later baby doll, sweet cheeks, or any other form of "compliment" you can muster.
OK last little rant for today. I have no problem with belching and farting, in fact I often participate in these activities at home! Did you read that last little bit... AT HOME! It is in no way appropriate to belch or fart in a confined space with a girl, or anyone for that matter present! Now not only do I have to be in your presence, now I get to bask in your musk all day!
After all of this someone needs to send me Carey Grant stat!