So once again I have been a total slacker in the blog department but I have good reason. Three weeks ago I became a vegetarian. I didn't want to jump the gun and let everyone know about it until I had at least two weeks under my belt because then I could prove that I am very serious about this plan. So far it has actually been pretty easy for my to stop the meat flow into my belly, and I am actually feeling a lot better then I have in a very long time which makes me think that maybe my stomach aches and cramps were karma that the animals were sending to me for eating one of their friends. This thought made me think "how would I feel towards a pig if he ate one of my friends?", I believe that I wouldn't be to thrilled about it.
Anyways I started going Veg because my stomach was not very thrilled with my eating habits and from the feel of it wanted to jump out of the fluffy layer of fat that was protecting it and go find another home. I decided that obviously my stomach is not a snail and can not go find a new home, that I better make some changes. I was off to a great start until I realized that I had no idea what vegetarians in fact eat. I made my way to Peta's web site to get some recipe ideas, and found that not only do they have recipes but they have a starter kit for the new vegetarians that they would mail me! What a pleasant surprise!
Well the other day my "kit" arrived in the mail(which was really just a brochure on living vegetarian) and I realized that I do want to be vegetarian. I wont go into details but there was a section titled "Meet your Meat". After seeing the faces of my "little friends" I realized I could no longer proclaim to be an animal lover and a carnivore.
After three weeks I have finally made actual friends with my animal brethren after 21 years of pretending. Not only have I made friends with God's creatures but I have also made friends with even more celebrities! I'd like to end this blog by saying thanks to each of them.
Alanis Morrisette- Hey girl thanks for showing me that I don't have to have both hands in my pocket. Now I have one hand giving a peace sign and one hand holding a Peta sign!
Alicia Silverstone- Whatever! No matter what you say you are a far better vegetarian then me! lol! I mean As If you are a Vegan!
Pam Anderson- Sorry to hear that your 3? 4? marriage, I can never keep them straight, isn't going so well. Thanks for clearing up that your little "movie" was just another I'd rather go naked then wear fur campaign. Nice publicity I do have to say.
Bob Dylan- You know I always believed we were connected because you wrote the song free falling about me, I mean come on loves Elvis and Horses too, you might as well title that song Anne instead!
K.D Lang- When I saw you in concert I totally thought, "If I were lesbian and she were vegetarian we totally could hang out." Well one out of two ain't bad!
And finally to the ghosts of both Bob Marley and Abe Lincoln- You both are equally great men in my eyes and I am more then honored to join your vegetarian ways.RIP.