Well when one is in Paris one must do the obvious thing and that of course is to venture into Latin quarter and have a gypsy* read your fortune. So following fate that is just what I did. Here is what I found out about my life past and present please enjoy...
* I had a very flighty childhood
* The years 10, 16, and 20 were very big
* My life has been rocky but is starting to smooth out now
* I was in a major relationship that came to and end
* I will get married when I am in my late 20's to a person I have not met yet
* I will have two children
* I will graduate from college but it will take a long time because of my successful career
* I will have success in my careers, I will completely change careers at 35 and have it forever
* I love to travel but while away my thoughts are always on home
* I am very outgoing and go out at night because I feel I have to, but I'd rather stay in with
loved ones
* I have a temper
* It is very hard to get into my circle of trust, but once you are in you will stay in, however
once betrayed by someone they will be out forever. I will let them stay friends but not
trusted ever again.
* I will live into my late 80's
Well there you are please feel free to comment. In fact I hope you do.....
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